5 Secret Habits
5 Secret Habits
1) Visualization, Imagination; all advancements were imagined and visualized in first instance. Then things turn into reality; Cell phone, computer, aircraft etc. Five minutes before sleeping deep breathe few times. Now visualize yourself as the most successful being of this planet who has achieved each and every possible goal of his life.
2) 5 Minutes Before sleeping throw all your worries in dustbin. Write means transfer your worries from brain to paper. Don't write summary of your worries. Write every word coming in your mind. Make the habit to write down every time when you think about a problem. No matter, even 100 times. Thinking is easier, writing is comparatively difficult. This habit will help you to control your thoughts. Now tear down those papers.
3) Affirmations; It is audio of your visualizations. It is effective in morning time. Write down all of your aims and targets and what can you do to achieve those goals and targets. Read and record these affirmations and listen it every morning. Research proved that this technique is useful for low self-esteem and depressed people. This is same as we do in body exercise. We repeat few simple actions over and over. This technique reprograms our brain and we start thinking and acting in a new way.
4) Gratitude; Look at blame gamer, complainers; small house, old car, poor; nature has a rule; you complain and you are opening doors for your worries. Law of Nature; [Ibrahim (Abraham) 14:7
وَإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَئِن شَكَرْتُمْ لأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ وَلَئِن كَفَرْتُمْ إِنَّ عَذَابِي لَشَدِيدٌ And [remember the time] when your Sustainer made [this promise] known: 'If you are grateful [to Me], I shall most certainly give you more and more; but if you are ungrateful, verily, My chastisement will be severe indeed!"']. Value, trust, believe, appreciate your possessions. You are a treasure in yourself (you hands, your eyes, your health is priceless). Book 'The Magic by Rhonda Byrne' says that gratitude attitude works like magic.
5) Remember Your Death Every Morning; RIP (rest in peace); It will make tiny your big worries. Will make you bold to face failures and it will make you the decision maker. 'Apple' founder Stephen Gary Wozniak; says, everyday, he asks himself, if today was last day of my life; am I doing the same as I was supposed in that case. We have limited life time. This is a powerful tool and can help us to make big decisions. Expectation, pride, fear of failure; move away with remembrance of death.
a) Daler Singh, singer known by his stage name, "Daler Mehndi" was taxi driver in USA. Once he was so absorbed in singing that he narrow escaped from an accident. (Visualization)
b) Write your worries off; transfer from brain to pen.
c) Affirmations; write and read loudly. This is thinking reprogramming.
d) Gratitude; Stop complaining.
e) Remember Your Death Everyday. You will become fearless. Nothing to lose will make you brave.
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