Focus on Yourself

Focus on Yourself
To make dreams true, it's not easy task. Most of the time, when dreams come true, we find lack of satisfaction again after a while. A vacuum is there to be realized. Does our dreams are genuine or this is an act of imitating and copying others or result of some influenced and conditioning. Most of the time this influencing and conditioning is based on fear and greed. Let's talk about money. To earn money there are unlimited ways but we become limited as per our environment. On the top we come across some role models (fake ideals) who portray themselves very successful (an illusion) to enjoy the situation (fake). We are not aware exactly what circumstances he is going through. We never have time to focus on our own personality; who am I, What can I do .... ? We are spending most of our time (knowingly or unknowingly) chasing illusions, delusions (fake life). In this way regardless of achieving something or not; satisfaction is not there. This is very first step which most of us don't take it serious. We never ponder on our dreams; are they realistic or not; before taking any action.
Taking action without setting direction takes nowhere. Our life is restricted to immediate problems and their emergency solutions. This play continues for the whole life.

Take yourself to some really open space to think about the purpose of your being. When you feel on the top of a mountain or any pleasant environment; big problems of life look tiny; spend a week, a month or so; find minimum distraction, minimum entertainment, TV, mobile (simple) without internet. In routine, we are living in a small room, small computer, small cell phone. In this routine life, tiny problems would look huge. 

Immediate solutions of problems are ridiculous. Look at the oneness of everything, magnitude of the universe. Then your problems will vanish or at least will look tiny. 

Imagine; if you don't have any problem (money, dreams, desires etc); what will you do? What is deep within you? Where we are all stuck; foundation and root of everything is money. This foundation is not right. 

Now you will start getting answers. I am ready to put all myself into it. Now you will enjoy even the hardships on the way. This is basic thing to do. Without it, we would be following others and on the way if we get the ideal success; as a result of doing some job which we don't like. This will result into empty personality. We will get no satisfaction in our work. Human brain is confined into a little sphere. There are infinite possibilities to earn money. We all have many excuses for nothing to change and living in our comfort zone. Time comes when we start complaining discomfort in our comfort zone. 
You have to figure out by yourself, what is appropriate for you to do. No one else can help you in this regard. Chance is there when you are on break and in the thought process; you may find that everything is alright. No need to change anything. Open sky, open space is best to imagine. Fresh the brain, format it, take it out of hang state. 
Now you are writing fresh in mind. Maybe mind will accept and approve the current position. Maybe only needed to change the point of view. Maybe you are worried just for nothing. 
This may be illusion to think about change. Take out brain from confined thinking. We don't find open space. We stuck and hang with confined tiny thinking. Human brain has unlimited potential. The key is to unleash it. You will be able to see your strengths and weaknesses. In routine, we have developed a nature to look into weaknesses of others. We have never focused on our own weaknesses and strengths. In first instance, we are not able to see our own self, if we can, then next step is how to utilize it. These are blockages, prisons on mind level. Prison, boundary is the place of discomfort. Happiness requires freedom. I am manifestation of this universe. The whole universe worked many many years to come to this point of time and you can see infinite possibilities. Your God gifted strengths to help you to success. 
You will find easy answers of complicated problems. Out of those unlimited potentials, if we can capture only one, it has capacity to give unlimited success; unlimited scope of growth. Then proceed with small steps. With open mind, things become easy; you can do anything. Start with some small steps and see the growth. Focus on yourself to discover yourself. The Journey of Self-Discovery! My Decision to Find Myself!

Tu Shaheen Hai, Parwaz Hai Kaam Tera
Tere Samne Asman Aur Bhi Hain
You are an eagle, flight is your vocation:
You have other skies stretching out before you.

Issi Roz-o-Shab Mein Ulajh Kar Na Reh Ja
Ke Tere Zaman-o-Makan Aur Bhi Hain
Do not let mere day and night ensnare you,
Other times and places belong to you.

Life Lesson

A Hadith of Rasul (SAW) says that, “Whosoever knows himself knows his Lord.” “man 'arafa nafsahu faqad 'arafa Rabbahu

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