
Showing posts from January, 2018

Herd Mentality

Herd Mentality Khalil Gibran ( a Lebanese writer, poet and visual artist) says ; In old times a king and his minister were very friends and good administrators. People were happy; people love and fear from king; a good quality of leader. A magician woman was jealous of this prosperity. She tricked some magic on the only well from where the whole community was drinking water. Whoever was drinking water from it from now onward were getting crazy and uncontrolled. Until king and his minister woke up, the whole area were turned crazy and uncontrolled and became enemy of the king. Realizing the situation, the king and his minister also drank water from the same well to be declared 'normal'. Two things can help you to contribute to the society; a) critical thinking and b) learning to make own conclusions. Otherwise, we will get trap into Herd Mentality. Herd Mentality trap is very dangerous. News, images, media; don't believe into it. Most precious gift, brain, need to be u...

Focus on Yourself

Focus on Yourself To make dreams true, it's not easy task. Most of the time, when dreams come true, we find lack of satisfaction again after a while. A vacuum is there to be realized. Does our dreams are genuine or this is an act of imitating and copying others or result of some influenced and conditioning. Most of the time this influencing and conditioning is based on fear and greed. Let's talk about money. To earn money there are unlimited ways but we become limited as per our environment. On the top we come across some role models (fake ideals) who portray themselves very successful (an illusion) to enjoy the situation (fake). We are not aware exactly what circumstances he is going through. We never have time to focus on our own personality; who am I, What can I do .... ? We are spending most of our time (knowingly or unknowingly) chasing illusions, delusions (fake life). In this way regardless of achieving something or not; satisfaction is not there. This is very first ...

Real Beauty

Real Beauty Beauty industry which is based upon look is very superficial, is of very low level. It can attract you for a while until that's quiet. By misconception, apparently it is superseding, annulling, overruling, ousting, taking over. Next is confidence. Some people portray themselves as confident but have no depth. That's not real beauty. Things which attract ourselves; money, look, personality (one can develop, may be fake); may not be real beauty. Real beauty is; once we got attracted then never leave it; we have no control on us to get out of it. When you feel some vibration, energy and attachment without saying anything; is a type of beauty. Beauty and love work together. We have two options; # 1; we feel energy somewhere and attach to it, dependent; in case of any mishap, will be looking for someone else. You will get strangled in comparison and will get anger. Both side would feel strangled; time (not like before), comparison (with more people). Happiness and sat...

2018 Tips To Become Successful

2018 Tips To Become Successful Experiencing hardship is good for you: People who have pulled through hard times are happier in the long-run. There are benefits of experiencing hardship. Deal with hardship until desperate. Struggle to upgrade your thoughts like software and take on any action you want. Hard work is the key to success. Productive people always wake up early. Even a king can lose his power with laziness. Invest your time and opportunity wisely, efficiently and proficiently. Don't get trapped in distraction, focus with determination will take you far. Don't be afraid to shine in the dark.' Ant with grain falls 100 times. Struggling people never lose. Don't look for favor, believe in your hard work. Take oath for hard work to become successful. Find the experts, attach yourself, spend time with them, it will benefit you, it will save your time, energy and resources. To respect the learned is to res...